Test example is attached.
There are number of nonpersistent properties in PersistentObject. Run application and open PersistentObject detail view. If you change NonPersistent string or NonPersistentObject in nested detail view then ObjectSpace became modified and Save button bacame enabled. But nothing to save in this case.
But if you change value in NonPersistentObjectPropertyFromDiffs (manually added property editor) then nothing happens with Save button.
This behaviour looks strange.
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
ObjectSpace - provide an option to control whether the ObjectSpace is modified when a non-persistent property is changed
We have to rollback this fix because it caused other more serious issues. So, the described behavior is by design. However, we understand that there may be some scenarios, in which this behavior may be not appropriate. One of these scenarios is described in the ObjectSpace - provide an option to control whether the ObjectSpace is modified when a non-persistent property is changed suggestion, which we created in order to support such scenarios.