In grid, I was trying to achieve Right-Click selection of row and assigning menus to it. Since, there is no direct option for Right-Click selection, I used your workaround to capture MouseDown event and make the FocusedRowHandle to row which is selected in right-click. I also have assigned some menus to Rows. So, what I wanted to achieve was when I do right-click on some row, it should first get selected and then the menus should appear. However what is happening that in first right-click on any row, it's happening correctly but in second click (selecting another row) menu appears first and row doesn't get selected. Interestingly, when I right-click on third row then menus appear there and the row, which I had second clicked was getting selected. And it was going on as it is, selecting the previous row in next click.
So, please provide some solution or workaround. I'm also doing some operation on Focused Row Changed event, which can take some time. So, the given workaround on right-click should first select the row, perform the operations on FocusedRowChanged event and then should show the menu. (Even if the menu appears first and then FocusedRowChanged is triggered would be fine).
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I found one more bug in Menus. When I'm trying to add multiple menu dynamically (from C# code) and not at design time then on right-click of row item it is showing same menu repeated as many menus I have added. So say I have added two menus "Test Menu 1", and "Test Menu 2" and then when I'm doing first right-click on row then it's showing "Test Menu 1" 2 times. On next click it is showing "Test Menu 2" 2 times. On the next click it is showing again "Test Menu 1" 2 times. It's not the same case when menu is added in design mode (in XAML).
Kindly look into this issue also.
For the last problem (Same menu appearing multiple times), I have got the link of the proposed solution. We have to assign some name to the BarButtonItem. So that part is working now.
> I have got the link of the proposed solution. We have to assign some name to the BarButtonItem. So that part is working now.
Thank you for the feedback.
As for the first question, this issue is fixed in the v9.3 version. In the v9.2 version, you can overcome this issue: handle the view PreviewMouseDown, and call the Mouse.Capture(null) method.
Thank you, Marina
Thanks Marina, It did the trick for me.
Thanks a lot.
After migrating to version 3.2. So, the Right-click menus remains floating even if I left-click some other record. It was not happening previously.
Kindly look into it.
Hello Sushant,
Please make sure that you upgrade your project using the ProjectConverter. I can't recreate the problem. I've attached a video.
Thank you, Marina
P.S. If my video can’t be run on your workstation, please download an appropriate codec from the following link: http://www.techsmith.com/codecs/tscc/default.asp
Hi Marina,
In the video, you are doing Right-Click after Right-click. However what I mentioned is do Left-Click after Right-click and the menu window will still be floating around.
However let me clear my scenario. I'm capturing the Right-click event and setting that right-clicked record as selected item. I have also captured the PreviewMouseDown event for version 2.9 (as suggested by you) and I have removed it in the latest version.
Hello Sushant,
I was able to reproduce this problem only if I click on the menu shade. In any other situation, this problem isn't reproduced. Please clarify whether this is what you mean.
Thank you, Marina
Hi Marina,
>I was able to reproduce this problem only if I click on the menu shade.
No, the problem is coming while clicking anywhere. I have MultiSelectMode as Row and still the problem is coming.
I'll try to send you the video in sometime and sample project too. For your information, I'm using DXperience- version.
I'm awaiting your video. I've attached my own, based on your sample.
Thank you, Marina
I have attached the video and sample project where the problem is getting reproduced.
The file "2010_01_19_12_41_09.zip" is the video and "ColumnChooserDemo.zip" is the sample project in the attached file "MenuProblems.zip"
I just came to know that it's not only the Right-Click grid menus but even the Column menus are floating around. Also, even if I minimize the application this window remains floating around.
The other observation is that when I tried grid in Window application, it was working fine but in my case where I have embedded it in Windows form control and then in excel custom task pane, it's not working. Kindly have a look at it.
I've reproduced this issue on your sample. I see that the problem is that you use our grid in an excel add-in. We'll do our best to fix this issue.
Thank you, Marina