I have a LookUpEdit control that has its datasource set to a windows binding source. When the selected item in the look up edit changes the current changed event does not fire on the binding source. When I replace the LookUpEdit with a combo box it works correctly. I can get around this by handling the EditValueChanged of the look up edit; but I would expect any windows forms control to work with a binding source or it is a bug. If this is a known issue has it be corrected in 9.x I have not
Steps to Reproduce:
Create a list of items; create a windows binding source; set the list of items to to datasource of the bindingsource;create an event handler for the list currentchanged event; create a lookupedit control; set the datasource of the lookupedit to the binding source. at run time change the selected an item in the lookupedit control.
Actual Results:
current changed event of the binding source never fires when the selected item in the lookupedit changes
Expected Results:
current changed event of the binding source should fire when the selected item in the lookupedit changes
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
ComboBox - Implement lookup feature with data binding
The LookUpEdit control doesn't update its binding context when the selected item is changed. This is known behavior for the LookUpEdit. I suggest that you track the following suggestion: ComboBox - implement lookup feature with data binding
You'll find the workaround in that thread.
Thank you, Marina