Bug Report B135631
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RepositoryItemCheckEdit in XtraGrid is not retaining the state

created 16 years ago

We are using the Xtragrid control in our application consisting of a single View.Each row in the gridview contains a fixed number of cells and some of the cells contains editors (one of them contains RepositoryItemCheckEdit) .We have binded the dataset to xtragrid control.User can add\delete the row using embedded navigator.
Issue is when we try to check RepositoryItemCheckEdit in the Grid and move focus out of it, it looses checked status although in the binded datatable it retain the value like true\false.Not sure why it is happening?
I am attaching snapshots of : while checking checkedit and after moving focus out of checkedit.
Note that we are using 2 state checkbox.

Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

    Could you please provide a sample to reproduce this issue? I've attached my own sample. I can't reproduce any problem.
    Thank you, Marina

      Thanks for the updates,
      By looking into your sample application I have changed the datatable column datatype instead of using repository item.
      Now it's working fine, but let me know I thing suppose I want to use RepositoryItemCheckEdit instead of changing the datatype then how to use it?

      DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

        If you want some other type, rather than Boolean, you should use an unbound column. An unbound column allows you to parse/format a value of any type by handling the ColumnView.CustomUnboundColumnData Event. See the following link: Unbound Boolean column with the CheckEdit.
        Thank you, Marina

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