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As a workaround the unbound column feature can be used.
Please refer to the following tutorial:
Please refer to the additional tutorial (How to modify data when a composite key is used):
The following KeyFieldName will be valid starting with 2009.1: "column1[;columnx]". For example: "FirstName;LastName;Phone;BirthDate".
Please Note:
We do not do any performance optimization for the Server Mode. This means that although Server Mode supports composite keys, it will work VERY slowly, so basically you it's a recommendation to use the Unique key field as the KeyFieldName.
Since this is what XPO requires for best performance and in our experience most databases with large amounts of data have a unique key field, we do not consider this a big problem and we have decided not to spend more time on it.
To learn more about "Server Mode" please go Server-side Data Management.
Than you,
Andrew R&D.