I have an object A with a one-to-many association with another object B. How can I have a collection of object B strongly typed?
First of all, lets define an object that will be used as a child within the one-to-many collection. Call it "Role":
C#public class Role : XPObject {
public User User;
public string Name;
Visual BasicPublic Class Role
Inherits XPObject
<Association("User-Role")> _
Public User As User
Public Name As String
End Class
Now, we need to introduce a master object (lets call it user) that should contain a strongly typed collection of Role objects. Since version 6 of XPO is based upon .Net Framework 2.0 Generics technology, we can easily implement the required functionality using a generic XPCollection<T> generic collection class, as shown below:
C#public class User : XPObject
[Association("User-Role", typeof(Role))]
public XPCollection<Role> UserRoles {
return GetCollection<Role>("UserRoles");
public string FullName;
Visual BasicPublic Class User
Inherits XPObject
<Association("User-Role", GetType(Role))> _
Public ReadOnly Property UserRoles() As XPCollection(Of Role)
Return GetCollection(Of Role)("UserRoles")
End Get
End Property
Public FullName As String
End Class
To implement a similar functionality with an old version of .Net Framework and our product, we'll have to create a custom collection that will provide a typed indexed property. Here is a code demonstrating this approach:
C#public class User : XPObject {
public override void Reload() {
public User() : base() {
Roles = new RolesCollection(this, "Roles");
[Association("User-Role", typeof(Role))]
public RolesCollection Roles;
public string FullName;
public class RolesCollection : DevExpress.Xpo.Helpers.XPOneToManyCollection {
public RolesCollection(IXPSimpleObject owner, string collectionPropertyName) :
base(owner, owner.ClassInfo.GetMember(collectionPropertyName)) {}
public int Add(Role role) {
return base.Add(role);
public new Role this[int index] {
get { return (Role)base[index]; }
Visual BasicImports DevExpress.Xpo
Public Class User
Inherits XPObject
Public Sub New()
Roles = New RolesCollection(Me, "Roles")
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Reload()
End Sub
<Association("User-Role", GetType(Role))> _
Public Roles As RolesCollection
Public FullName As String
End Class
Public Class RolesCollection
Inherits Helpers.XPOneToManyCollection
Public Sub New(ByVal owner As IXPSimpleObject, ByVal collectionPropertyName As String)
MyBase.New(owner, owner.ClassInfo.GetMember(collectionPropertyName))
End Sub
Public Shadows Function Add(ByVal role As Role) As Integer
Return MyBase.Add(role)
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As Role
Return CType(MyBase.Object(index), Role)
End Get
End Property
End Class