I use the ToolTipController.ShowHint method to display a tooltip near an edit box. However, it only works the first time. What should I do to display the tooltip again for the same edit box?
By design, a tooltip for a control is displayed just once. When showing a tooltip programmatically, you can work around this situation by calling the HideHint method before ShowHint. Here is the code:
toolTipController1.ShowHint("A tooltip", textBox1, DevExpress.Utils.ToolTipLocation.RightCenter);
See Also:
How to customize the ToolTip for a TreeList cell
Showing a hint for a grid cell even if its content is completely visible
How to get multi-line tooltips with a specific width
How to display a hint for an active editor within the XtraGrid
How to display hints only for particular cells
Hi, this is not working for me.
The tooltip is displayed in a wrong location.
The control which I would like to bound the tooltip is inside a group control of a mdichild form.
The MDI main form has menu, toolbar, etc… on top and an accordion on the left.
DX 20.1.6
Dim Args As New DevExpress.Utils.ToolTipControllerShowEventArgs() Args.IconType = DevExpress.Utils.ToolTipIconType.Information Args.SelectedControl = ddbFunzioni Args.Title = "Sono presenti allegati" Me.ToolTipController1.ShowHint(Args, ddbFunzioni)
Hello Paolo,
I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (T950638: The tooltip is displayed in a wrong location). It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.