A dock panel with a memo editor inside it is created programmatically. It works fine. When saving and restoring dock windows via the SaveToXml and RestoreFromXml methods the dock panel's position and size is restored correctly, but the panel is empty - there is no memo editor inside.
A dock panel with the inner control must be created before a layout is loaded. Next, you must assign a value to the ID property of your DockPanel. The panel's ID must be the same as the one saved in the layout, not the newly generated GUID.
C#using DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking;
private void CreateDockPanels() {
DockPanel panel1 = dockManager1.AddPanel(DockingStyle.Left);
panel1.Text = "Panel 1";
panel1.ID = new Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}");
panel1.Controls.Add(new UserControl1());
DockPanel panel2 = dockManager1.AddPanel(DockingStyle.Right);
panel2.Text = "Panel 2";
panel2.ID = new Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002}");
panel2.Controls.Add(new UserControl2());
Visual BasicImports DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking
Private Sub CreateDockPanels()
Dim panel1 As DockPanel = dockManager1.AddPanel(DockingStyle.Left)
panel1.Text = "Panel 1"
panel1.ID = New Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}")
panel1.Controls.Add(New UserControl1())
Dim panel2 As DockPanel = dockManager1.AddPanel(DockingStyle.Right)
panel2.Text = "Panel 2"
panel2.ID = New Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002}")
panel2.Controls.Add(New UserControl2())
End Sub
See Also:
Why are the Items created in code not restored when loading settings?
I'm dynamically reloading my DockLayoutManager
The saved layoutstream that I have correctly has my layoutPanel as Item2 in the ITems collection.
However, when I try to get the item after calling DockLayoutManager.RestoreFromLayoutStream(layout);
DockLayoutManager.GetItem("Pivot_1f380fe90d52429ea3fed0dc509cb385_LayoutPanel") returns null yet
DockLayoutManager.GetItem("dockItem1") correctly returns the first item. Why is this? I cannot seem to access the layoutPanels from the layoutstream after calling RestoreFromLayout.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<XtraSerializer application="DockLayoutManager" version="1.0"> <property isnull="true" name="#LayoutVersion"/> -<property name="$DockLayoutManager" value="DockLayoutManager" iskey="true"> <property name="ManualClosedPanelsBarVisibility">false</property> -<property name="Items" value="2" iskey="true"> -<property isnull="true" name="Item1" iskey="true"> <property isnull="true" name="ParentCollectionName"/> <property isnull="true" name="ParentName"/> <property name="TypeName">LayoutGroup</property> <property name="SerializableSelectedTabPageIndex">-1</property> <property name="Orientation">Horizontal</property> <property name="Name">dockItem1</property> </property> -<property isnull="true" name="Item2" iskey="true"> <property name="ParentName">dockItem1</property> <property name="TypeName">LayoutPanel</property> <property name="AllowRename">true</property> <property name="AllowHide">false</property> <property name="SerializableFloatingOffset">0,0</property> <property name="AllowDockToDocumentGroup">false</property> <property isnull="true" name="ParentCollectionName"/> <property name="Caption" type="System.String">Pivot Grid</property> <property name="Name">Pivot_1f380fe90d52429ea3fed0dc509cb385_LayoutPanel</property> </property> </property> </property> </XtraSerializer>
In order not to mix several problems in one thread, I have opened a separate issue on your behalf:
How to properly save and restore layout using the DockManager
Please refer to this report for further correspondence on this item.