KB Article A1418
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How to implement drag-and-drop for grid rows

I'm trying to drag&drop rows from one grid to another. I'm using the MouseDown event to launch drag&drop. This works, but I can no longer group, sort, etc. How to work around this problem?

You should use the CalcHitInfo method to determine which of the grid's element the mouse cursor is currently positioned over. In your case, the DoDragDrop method must be called only if a row is clicked. Please review the GridDragDropExternal tutorial project shipped with the XtraGrid. Please note that the DoDragDrop method is called from a MouseMove event handler, and not from the MouseDown event.
See also:
Drag-and-drop data rows from one grid to another
Drag-and-drop of multiple selected grid rows
Drag-and-drop data rows from one grid to another
Drag-and-drop of multiple selected grid rows
How to reorder grid rows by drag and drop
How to draw a line between rows to indicate a drag-and-drop position

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