KB Article A1238
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Numeric values are exported to Excel as strings

We are exporting data from the grid to an excel worksheet. Numeric data is not being automatically considered as numeric by Excel and therefore needs to be manually converted in Excel. How can I make the grid export cell values in their real data type?

Cell values are exported as text unless the GridViewExportLink.ExportCellsAsDisplayText property is set to False. Please note that this option affects all cells: for instance, LookUp column values will be exported as codes instead of displayed values.

const string FileName = "grid.xls"; DevExpress.XtraGrid.Export.GridViewExportLink link; DevExpress.XtraExport.ExportXlsProvider provider; provider = new DevExpress.XtraExport.ExportXlsProvider(FileName); link = gridControl1.MainView.CreateExportLink(provider) as DevExpress.XtraGrid.Export.GridViewExportLink; link.ExportCellsAsDisplayText = false; link.ExportTo(true);

See also:
Why are column formats not exported to Excel (ExportCellsAsDisplayText is False)

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