What Changed
Editors are now aligned in CSS flex containers and grid in accordance with the CSS align-items
property value.
Reasons for Change
In previous versions, editors with a drop-down ComboBox, Date Edit, TagBox, and Time Edit were shown to the left or to the top of a flex container regardless of the CSS align-items
property value. In the following code, the alignment is incorrect: the align-items
property is set to center
, but the Time Edit is displayed in the left corner of the container:
Razor<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; width: 500px; background-color: #f9cd9d;">
<DxTimeEdit CssClass="w-50" Time="DateTime.Today"></DxTimeEdit>
In v21.1, this behavior was corrected. Now, the same code aligns the editor correctly.
Impact on Existing Apps
This change impacts your application if you used the align-items
property in flex containers and grid. Now, the editors are aligned according to this property.
How to Revert to Previous Behavior
Set the align-items
property to flex-start