What Changed
If you specify a layout item's CaptionFor property value, we no longer assign this value to the ID property of DevExpress editors in the layout item's template.
Reasons for Change
In previous versions, the Form Layout automatically assigned the CaptionFor property value to the ID property of all DevExpress editors in the template. If the item template contained one editor, the item caption and editor were associated correctly. If the template contained multiple editors, all of them had the same ID, and users could not focus/select only one editor. For example, the following issue occurred: T901339.
Impact on Existing Apps
This change will affect your application if you specify the CaptionFor property.
<DxFormLayoutItem Caption="Contact Name:" CaptionFor="name_text_box">
<DxTextBox @bind-Text="@Name"></DxTextBox>
How to Update Existing Apps
To associate a layout item's caption and a DevExpress editor in the template, you need to set both the item's CaptionFor and the editor's InputId properties to the same value.
<DxFormLayoutItem Caption="Contact Name:" CaptionFor="name_text_box">
<DxTextBox @bind-Text="@Name" InputId="name_text_box"></DxTextBox>