What Changed
We removed the NotSet value from the PivotGridSummaryType enumeration and changed the DxPivotGridFieldBase.SummaryType property's default value to PivotGridSummaryType.Sum.
Reasons for Change
In previous versions, the SummaryType property's default value was NotSet. If users added a field to the Data area, they had to set the SummaryType property to a value that was different from the default value. If users did not specify this property, an exception with an unclear error message was thrown.
In this version, we decided to calculate the Sum function (as the most popular type) for the Data area's fields. Users should now specify the SummaryType property only to calculate another function. We also removed the NotSet enumeration value because it is no longer useful.
This change will also help us implement further Pivot Grid features, for instance, drag-and-drop fields between areas.
Impact on Existing Apps
This change will affect your application only if you manually set the SummaryType property to NotSet. In this case, update your code to use other enumeration values.