In previous versions, the standalone DxPager
component and the DxDataGrid
component's built-in pager always displayed numeric buttons. If the total number of pages exceeded the DxPager.CollapseButtonCount/DxDataGrid.PagerCollapseButtonCount value, the pager skipped specific numeric buttons and displayed an ellipsis instead.
In v19.2, we redesigned the pager's interface to make it more intuitive and changed the default navigation mode to simplify navigation across a large number of pages. The pager will no longer display ellipsis buttons. For this reason, we removed the DxPager.CollapseButtonCount
and DxDataGrid.PagerCollapseButtonCount
We introduced the new DxPager.SwitchToInputBoxButtonCount
and DxDataGrid.PagerSwitchToInputBoxButtonCount
properties. The pager now shows the Go to Page input box if the number of pages is greater than the corresponding property value.
Otherwise, the pager displays numeric buttons. The new DxPager.VisibleNumericButtonCount
and DxDataGrid.PagerVisibleNumericButtonCount
properties specify the maximum number of visible buttons. To navigate to other numeric buttons, a user should use the arrow navigation buttons.
We also added the DxPager.NavigationMode
and DxDataGrid.PagerNavigationMode
properties that allow you to change the navigation mode. These properties accept the following values:
- Auto - the default mode described above.
- InputBox - the pager always displays the Go to Page input box.
- NumericButtons - the pager always displays numeric buttons.
The following code snippet demonstrates how to use the new pager API.
Code<DxPager PageCount="100"