In previous versions, we used our internal mechanism to share components. In v19.2.1, we migrated to a RCL (Razor class library) to use a native way of resource sharing.
DevExpress files included in the RCL's wwwroot folder are exposed to your application under the following prefix: _content/DevExpress.Blazor/. So, the dx-blazor.css file that you should register manually is now located at _content/DevExpress.Blazor/dx-blazor.css instead of lib/dx-blazor/dx-blazor.css
Update the link to this stylesheet file in your layout's HEAD section:
- In the _Host.cshtml file for server-side Blazor.
- In the index.html file for client-side Blazor.
<link href="lib/dx-blazor/dx-blazor.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="_content/DevExpress.Blazor/dx-blazor.css" rel="stylesheet" />