Example T830606
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WPF Data Grid - Bind to InfiniteAsyncSource

This example demonstrates how to bind the GridControl to InfiniteAsyncSource.

The solution in this example includes the following projects:

  • InfiniteAsyncSourceMVVMSample - demonstrates the MVVM approach
  • InfiniteAsyncSourceSample - demonstrates a basic non-MVVM approach

Refer to the How to Bind to Virtual Source tutorial to learn more.


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More Examples

The following example shows how to bind the WPF Data Grid to different data sources: Bind the WPF Data Grid to Data.

This example includes multiple solutions that demonstrate:

  • How to bind the Data Grid to Entity Framework, EF Core, and XPO.
  • Different binding mechanisms: virtual sources, server mode sources, and local data.
  • MVVM and code-behind patterns.

After you bind the Data Grid to a database, you can implement CRUD operations (create, read update, delete). View the example: Implement CRUD Operations in the WPF Data Grid.

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