This issue can be reproduced with the following code:
Razor<DxChart Data="@data">
<DxChartLineSeries ValueField="@((TestModel i) => i.Y)"
ArgumentField="@(i => i.X)">
<DxChartLegend Visible="false" />
public class TestModel {
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public List<TestModel> data = new List<TestModel>();
protected override void OnInitialized() {
data.Add(new TestModel() { X = 0, Y = 0 });
data.Add(new TestModel() { X = 1, Y = 1 });
data.Add(new TestModel() { X = 2, Y = 3 });
data.Add(new TestModel() { X = 4, Y = 2 });
data.Add(new TestModel() { X = 2, Y = 1 });
data.Add(new TestModel() { X = 1, Y = 1 });
The last 2 points will not be drawn.