Example T424210
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Data Access Library - How to Create Data Sources at Runtime

This code example includes code snippets that shows how to create various data sources at runtime.

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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DevExpress.DataAccess.EntityFramework; namespace EFDataSourceSnippets { public class Test { EFDataSource DataSource { get; set; } public Test() { DataSource = InitializeEFDataSource(); } EFDataSource InitializeEFDataSource() { return GenerateEFDataSource(); } const string connectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=pwd;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Application Name=EntityFramework"; private EFDataSource GenerateEFDataSource() { var connectionParameters = new DevExpress.DataAccess.EntityFramework.EFConnectionParameters(typeof(NorthwindEntities), "EntityConnection", connectionString); var efDataSource = new DevExpress.DataAccess.EntityFramework.EFDataSource(connectionParameters); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(efDataSource)).BeginInit(); efDataSource.StoredProcedures.Add(GetStoredProcedure()); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(efDataSource)).EndInit(); return efDataSource; } private EFStoredProcedureInfo GetStoredProcedure() { var efParameter1 = new DevExpress.DataAccess.EntityFramework.EFParameter("CustomerID", typeof(string), "ALFKI"); var efStoredProc = new DevExpress.DataAccess.EntityFramework.EFStoredProcedureInfo("CustOrderHist", new[] { efParameter1 }); return efStoredProc; } } }
using DevExpress.DataAccess.Excel; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ExcelDataSourceSnippets { public class Code { void ExcelDataSourceBindingToCSV() { // Create a new Excel data source. ExcelDataSource excelDataSource = new ExcelDataSource(); excelDataSource.FileName = "Northwind.csv"; // Specify import settings. CsvSourceOptions csvSourceOptions = new CsvSourceOptions(); csvSourceOptions.DetectEncoding = true; csvSourceOptions.DetectNewlineType = true; csvSourceOptions.DetectValueSeparator = true; excelDataSource.SourceOptions = csvSourceOptions; } void ExcelDataSourceBindingToXLS() { // Create a new Excel data source. ExcelDataSource excelDataSource = new ExcelDataSource(); excelDataSource.FileName = "Northwind.xlsx"; // Select a required worksheet. ExcelWorksheetSettings excelWorksheetSettings = new ExcelWorksheetSettings(); excelWorksheetSettings.WorksheetName = "Sheet_Categories"; // Specify import settings. ExcelSourceOptions excelSourceOptions = new ExcelSourceOptions(); excelSourceOptions.ImportSettings = excelWorksheetSettings; excelSourceOptions.SkipHiddenRows = false; excelSourceOptions.SkipHiddenColumns = false; excelDataSource.SourceOptions = excelSourceOptions; } public static ExcelDataSource CreateExcelDataSource() { var excelDataSource = new ExcelDataSource() { Name = "Excel_Products" }; excelDataSource.FileName = "Products.xlsx"; excelDataSource.SourceOptions = new ExcelSourceOptions() { ImportSettings = new ExcelWorksheetSettings("Sheet"), }; excelDataSource.RebuildResultSchema(); return excelDataSource; } } }
using DevExpress.DataAccess.ObjectBinding; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ObjectDataSourceSnippets { public class BindingToParametrizedConstructor { void ObjectDataSourceInitialization() { ObjectDataSource objds = new ObjectDataSource(); objds.Name = "ObjectDataSource1"; objds.BeginUpdate(); objds.DataMember = "Items"; objds.DataSource = typeof(BusinessObject); objds.EndUpdate(); //this line of code allows passing a parameter value to a parametrized constructor of an underlying data source object var parameter = new DevExpress.DataAccess.ObjectBinding.Parameter("p1", typeof(int), 3); objds.Constructor = new DevExpress.DataAccess.ObjectBinding.ObjectConstructorInfo(parameter); } public class BusinessObject { public SampleItems Items { get; set; } public BusinessObject(int p1) { Items = new SampleItems(p1); } } public class SampleItems : List<SampleItem> { public SampleItems() : this(10) { } public SampleItems(int itemNumber) { for (int i = 0; i < itemNumber; i++) { Add(new SampleItem() { Name = i.ToString() }); } } } public class SampleItem { public string Name { get; set; } } } public class BindingToMethod { void ObjectDataSourceInitialization() { DevExpress.DataAccess.ObjectBinding.ObjectDataSource objds = new DevExpress.DataAccess.ObjectBinding.ObjectDataSource(); objds.Name = "ObjectDataSource1"; objds.BeginUpdate(); objds.DataMember = "GetData"; objds.DataSource = typeof(SampleItem); objds.EndUpdate(); var parameter = new DevExpress.DataAccess.ObjectBinding.Parameter("value", typeof(int), 3); objds.Parameters.Add(parameter); //this line of code is required to obtain the data source object schema objds.Fill(); } public class SampleItem { public string Name { get; set; } public static List<SampleItem> GetData(int value) { List<SampleItem> items = new List<SampleItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < value; i++) { items.Add(new SampleItem() { Name = i.ToString() }); } return items; } } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DevExpress.DataAccess.ConnectionParameters; using DevExpress.DataAccess.Sql; namespace SqlDataSourceSnippets { public class Code { SqlDataSource DataSource { get; set; } void SqlDataSourceInitialization() { //1) var myConnectionName = "Northwind_Connection"; SqlDataSource DataSource = new SqlDataSource(myConnectionName); //2) //MsSqlConnectionParameters connectionParameters = new MsSqlConnectionParameters(".", "NWind", null, null, MsSqlAuthorizationType.Windows); //SqlDataSource ds1 = new SqlDataSource(connectionParameters); } void SelectQueryCreation() { SelectQuery query = SelectQueryFluentBuilder .AddTable("Categories") .SelectColumn("CategoryName") .GroupBy("CategoryName") .Join("Products", "CategoryID") .SelectColumn("ProductName", AggregationType.Count, "ProductCount") .SortBy("ProductName", AggregationType.Count, System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending) .GroupFilter("[ProductCount] > 7") .Build("Categories"); DataSource.Queries.Add(query); QueryParameterInitialization(query); } void StoredProcedureInitialization() { StoredProcQuery spQuery = new StoredProcQuery("StoredProcedure", "stored_procedure_name"); spQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@First", typeof(int), 0)); spQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@Second", typeof(string), "Value")); spQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter("@Third", typeof(string), "Value")); DataSource.Queries.Add(spQuery); } void QueryParameterInitialization(SelectQuery query) { QueryParameter parameter = new QueryParameter() { Name = "catID", Type = typeof(DevExpress.DataAccess.Expression), Value = new DevExpress.DataAccess.Expression("[Parameters.catID]", typeof(System.Int32)) }; query.Parameters.Add(parameter); query.FilterString = "CategoryID = ?catID"; } void CustomSqlQueryInitialization() { CustomSqlQuery query = new CustomSqlQuery(); query.Name = "CustomQuery"; query.Sql = "Select top 10 * from Products"; DataSource.Queries.Add(query); } void RelationshipInitialization() { SelectQuery categories = SelectQueryFluentBuilder.AddTable("Categories").SelectAllColumns().Build("Categories"); SelectQuery products = SelectQueryFluentBuilder.AddTable("Products").SelectAllColumns().Build("Products"); DataSource.Queries.AddRange(new SqlQuery[] { categories, products }); DataSource.Relations.Add(new MasterDetailInfo("Categories", "Products", "CategoryID", "CategoryID")); } public static SqlDataSource CreateSqlDataSource() { MsSqlConnectionParameters connectionParameters = new MsSqlConnectionParameters(".", "NorthWind", null, null, MsSqlAuthorizationType.Windows); var sqlDataSource = new SqlDataSource(connectionParameters) { Name = "Sql_Categories" }; var categoriesQuery = SelectQueryFluentBuilder.AddTable("Categories"). SelectAllColumnsFromTable(). Build("Categories"); sqlDataSource.Queries.Add(categoriesQuery); sqlDataSource.RebuildResultSchema(); return sqlDataSource; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace JsonDataSourceSnippets { public class Code { void GenerateJsonDataSource() { DevExpress.DataAccess.Json.JsonDataSource jsonDataSource = new DevExpress.DataAccess.Json.JsonDataSource(); Uri sourceUri = new Uri("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DevExpress-Examples/DataSources/master/JSON/customers.json"); jsonDataSource.JsonSource = new DevExpress.DataAccess.Json.UriJsonSource(sourceUri); jsonDataSource.Fill(); } } }
using DevExpress.DataAccess.DataFederation; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace FederationDataSourceSnippets { public class Code { void CreateFederationDataSource() { var sqlDataSource = SqlDataSourceSnippets.Code.CreateSqlDataSource(); var excelDataSource = ExcelDataSourceSnippets.Code.CreateExcelDataSource(); // Create the federated query's SQL and Excel sources. Source sqlSource = new Source(sqlDataSource.Name, sqlDataSource, "Categories"); Source excelSource = new Source(excelDataSource.Name, excelDataSource, ""); // Create a federated query. var selectNode = sqlSource.From() // Select the "CategoryName" column from the SQL source. .Select("CategoryName") // Join the SQL source with the Excel source based on the "CategoryID" key field. .Join(excelSource, "[Excel_Products.CategoryID] = [Sql_Categories.CategoryID]") // Select columns from the Excel source. .Select("CategoryID", "ProductName", "UnitPrice") // Specify the query's name and build it. .Build("CategoriesProducts"); // Create a federated data source and add the federated query to the collection. var federationDataSource = new FederationDataSource(); federationDataSource.Queries.Add(selectNode); // Build the data source schema to display it in the Field List. federationDataSource.RebuildResultSchema(); } } }

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