Not a big issue but I've seen that as soon as I open a specific form with a bunch of controls on it using the forms designer, it shows always as modified.
I attach a simple project. Please open its form in design mode and you'll see how the upper Undo dropdown shows two Size changes and the file tab has an asterisk.
I think is the combination of AutoSize and Dock, but comparing pre and post saving versions of the Designer.vb file, they are exactly the same.
Not a real problem for simple forms but kind of annoying when you have a 'delicate' form with near 400 controls which refreshes itself every time you save. You feel better if you know that 'modified' means 'modified by you'.
Thank you.
We have successfully reproduced the behavior you described and passed this ticket to our developers' team for further research. Please bear with us. We will notify you as soon as we make any progress.