If the RibbonStyle is set to Offic2010 there is a problem when a modal dialog is opened and the Alt-key is pressed. In this case, the key tips of the backstage view are shown and can be used, although the modal dialog is in front (NOK).
If you change the RibbonStyle to Office2013 or OfficeUniversal the key tips are not shown (OK).
To reproduce the behavior, I modified the DevExpress demo "RibbonSamplePad" in the following way:
- Add an empty form to the project (Form1).
- Change the implementation of bvItemSaveAs_ItemClick:
private void bvItemSaveAs_ItemClick(object sender, BackstageViewItemEventArgs e) {
+ Form1 frm1 = new Form1();
+ frm1.ShowDialog(this);
- frm1.Dispose();
- // SaveAs();
- Compile and run the demo, the RibbonStyle is "OfficeUniversal".
- Select the backstage view and click "Save As" -> Form1 is opened.
- Press "Alt" -> no key tips are shown. (OK)
- Close the dialog and backstage view and change the RibbonStyle in the ribbon control to "Office2010".
- Select the backstage view and click "Save As" -> Form1 is opened.
- Press "Alt" -> the key tips are shown. (NOK)
The problem does not appear, when the open file dialog is shown (backstage view, command "Open").
How can we get the correct result that the key tips are not shown in case a modal dialog is opened?
We successfully reproduced the described behavior. So, I will forward this ticket to our developers team for further research. We will update this ticket when we obtain any results.
As the problem is urgent for us, we are first of all interested in a workaround. Changing the RibbonStyle is no option for us.
We understand the urgency of this issue. We are currently researching the possibility to provide a workaround for you. I will update this ticket once I obtain any additional news.