Hi there
I'm experiencing a problem with the scheduler control. I've got a resource on the scheduler that cannot get appointments dropped on it via the DragBetweenResources event. Allow is set to false for this resource. When I drag an appointment on the resource above or below this "forbidden" resource and I immediatly move the mouse into the forbidden resource after releasing the mouse button, the DragBetweenResources event will fire after the appointmentdrop event. The appointment will visually go back to it's original location, but when the dragdrop action is saved to the datasource the appointment will show up on the correct location. This is strange behavior. I've attached a sample project that contains this problem.
You will need to change the connectionstring in the connectionhelper class.
We have reproduced this problem and passed this ticket to our developers for further research.
Please bear with us. We will notify you as soon as we make any progress.