Bug Report T335319
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The Range.Value.IsDateTime property returns False even if a cell range consists of a single cell with a DateTime value

created 9 years ago

Context :  Office 2007 in french

Problem 1
Value.IsDateTime always return false.

sample code (in linked sample project) :
using (var workbook = new Workbook())
                var sh = workbook.Worksheets["sheet1"];
                MessageBox.Show("sh[D5] is a datetime ? " + sh["D5"].Value.IsDateTime);

Problem 2
With worksheet.Import, import a DataTable with a datetime will randomly put this date in US format or in correct culture language (french here) specified in workbook and in thread…

Comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

    Hello Alexandre,

    I just want to inform you that I need a bit more time to finish working on replicating the issue on our side to provide you with a precise answer.
    I appreciate your patience.

    DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

      Usually, we avoid discussing multiple questions within the same thread because this makes it difficult to track the entire conversation. Therefore, I have moved your next question to a separate thread: Date is randomly imported in the US or French date format.

      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

      We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

      Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

      Additional information:

      After applying the fix, the Range.Value.IsDateTime property will be calculated for a range that consists of a single cell

        Comments (2)
        AR AR
        Alexandre Richonnier 9 years ago

          Please, is this fix will  be automatically include in your next release or I need to ask a hotfix ?

          DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago


            Yes, the fix will be included in v15.2.5 and v15.1.10. If this is a matter of urgency, you can request an intermediate build that contains a public fix for this issue by clicking "Request hotfix" on this page. This intermediate build will be prepared within a couple of days.

            created 9 years ago

            I have researched the project you provided and found that you checked the IsDateTime property of the DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Range object, not a cell. Correct the code as suggested below to achieve your goal:

            bool isDateTime = sh.Cells[sh["D5"].TopRowIndex, sh["D5"].LeftColumnIndex].Value.IsDateTime;

            Please refer to the How to: Access a Cell in a Worksheet or How to: Access a Range of Cells help topic for clarification.

              Comments (2)
              AR AR
              Alexandre Richonnier 9 years ago

                Hi Yulia,
                Thank you for your help.
                I'm partially agree with you…
                A range can be a cell and Value is a CellValue and in my case, as in syncfusion, it is.
                That's why sh["D5"].Value have type CellValue and a Value.IsDateTime .
                If you are considering that a range cannot have a property like Value.IsDateTime , then remove it.
                Otherwise, can you fix it please ?

                DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

                  By default, the Range.Value property returns a value of the top left cell in a range. I agree with you that the Range.Value.IsDateTime property behaves confusing in this case, and its value can be calculated if the cell range consists of a single cell. I have passed this ticket to our developers. They will research this subject and consider the ways of changing the current behavior.

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