Scrolling down beyond visible area on PDF Viewer for WPF is not working .
- Run the attached project and open a pdf, which has more than 1 page.
- Try to select some text and using mouse continue scrolling down, so that selection extends beyond visible area. Note that scroll stops at visible area.
- Try to select some text and using mouse continue scrolling up, so that selection extends beyond visible area. This works fine.
I’ve attached code (you’ll need to change reference for DevExpress to your local folder) and the video for reference.
Hello Sharki,
Thank you for the attached project and screencast. I tried to reproduce the same issue using your project, but did not succeed (see the attached screencast). On the attached screencast, I see that you are using another application to open the pdf file. Please clarify whether the same issue occurs when you perform the same steps in the sample you sent.
Please test the same scenario on different machines. If the issue is specific for a certain machine - send us this machine's environment settings (OS, .NET version, etc.). We are looking forward to your response.
Hi Andrey,
We are using DevExpress.Xpf.PdfViewer.dll v15.1.8.0.
OS: Windows 7 64 bit
.NET: .NET Framework 4.5
Hi Sharki,
I wasn't able to replicate the scrolling issue in version 15.1.8 either. Perhaps, the problem is related to your hardware. Please check if you can perform scrolling in this way in another application (i.e., MS Word, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, etc).
Can you try with the attached PDF file? I am still able to reproduce the issue on a different machine which is faster than the previous one and also upgraded DevExpress libraries to v15.2. Select some contents in first page and move the cursor down outside the viewer.
Hi Sharki,
Having reviewed your sample project, I found that scrolling down works while selecting document content only when the mouse cursor is moved down and to the right. This behavior seems to be unexpected. I've passed this ticket to our developers for further research. We'll update this thread as soon as we have any progress.
Hi Nadya,
Do you have an update on this? We have this issue opened for a while, desperately looking for a solution, please update me.
Hi Sharki,
Our developers have already fixed this behavior. You can get a hotfix in this thread. For information on how to do this, refer to the How to request a hotfix article.
Thanks, we will test the hotfix and get back to you.
Thank you for your reply. We are looking forward to your response. If you experience any further difficulties, do not hesitate to contact us again.
I don’t see any link to download and install the hotfix in the ticket, can you provide me?
Please use the following link DevExpressComponents- to download a hotfix until the DevExpress version 15.2.5 is released.