Bug Report T321613
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German translation is missing for the Chart.Designer assembly

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

Hello I am using the StandardReportDesigner.
All satellite assemblies are copied from C:\Program Files (x86)\DevExpress 15.1\Components\Bin\Framework\de in .\bin\Release\de.
When I try to insert a XtraChart in the report the wizard opens in a weird english german mix (See the attachment).
So sometimes true/false is translated, sometimes not (see attachment red circle).
What am I doing wrong?
How can I translate the XtraChartWizard?

P.S. the text in the middle saying, there is no series in the chart is translated wrong.
It should be 'Fügen Sie eine Serie hinzu oder stellen Sie sicher, dass mindestens eine sichtbar ist.'
It's a, sometimes weird, rule in german when to use 'das'  or 'dass' (https://deutsch.lingolia.com/en/vocabulary/easily-confused-words/das-vs-dass).

Kind regards

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    This problem appears because at present the Charts.Designer assembly is not completely translated into German.
    I will ask our German colleagues to translate it. Meanwhile, you can utilize our localization service and localize it.
    Please review the Localization Service help article to learn how to use this service. In your case, you need to select the Chart.Designer module in the MODULE combobox and translate missing items.
    I also should mention that German satellite assemblies are installed in GAC along with our installation. In the .Net application, assemblies are loaded from GAC first (GAC has a priority over the local folder). So, the assemblies in the folder of your application weren't used. To remove default assemblies from GAC, you can use the How to manage satellite assemblies located in GAC tool.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 9 years ago

    We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

    Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

    Additional information:

    Hello Eric,

    I have added missing strings to the XtraChart Designer. Updated resources are already available in our localization service.
    You can download the new satellite assemblies from our localization service.
    I should also mention that German satellite assemblies are installed in the GAC along with our installation. In a .NET application, assemblies get loaded from the GAC first (the GAC has higher priority as compared to a local folder). So, the assemblies in the de folder of your application will not be used. To remove default assemblies from the GAC, you can use the How to manage satellite assemblies located in GAC tool.

      Comments (2)

        I have v2015 vol 2.5 and also miss german localization.

        Ad hoc I found no difference in the display of the chart designer whether DevExpress.Charts.Designer.v15.2.resources.dll is in the de subdir or not.

        Because you said "I have added missing strings to the XtraChart Designer"  above :
        I found a  DevExpress.Charts.Designer.v15.2.resources.dll
        but I found no DevExpress.XtraCharts.Designer.v15.2(.resources).dll(s)
        Is there a special DevExpress.XtraCharts.Designer dll somewhere ?

        DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

          Hi Werner,

          While we have added resource items in our Localization Service (you can check non-translated strings in the Charts.Designer module), our Chart Designer is not completely localized. We are currently working on this feature and will introduce the complete localization support in one of the next major updates. Should you need further clarification, feel free to ask.

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