Hi DevExpress team,
I have a DocumentGroup with a region. There I want to display a view (wrapped by a DocumentPanel)
holding an own ribbon menu with a close button.
At first time, the view will be created and added to the region by the region manager.
The view model of the view holds an own close command. As soon as I press the close ribbon
of the view the close command will be executed -> the DocumentPanel.Closed property will be
set to true and the view will disappear. This is still working.
Because the view is only closed (not removed and disposed) I want to reactivate it.
This is done by setting the DocumentPanel.Closed property to false. This was working
with DevExpress 15.1.6 and I think with 15.1.7 too (not sure) but it is not working with
the version 15.1.8.
I think the problem is that the line "DocumentPanel.Closed = true;" will not move the
panel to DockLayoutManager.ClosedPanels collection.
Remark: If I use the cross button (system menu close) instead, it will work (the view will
be in the DockLayoutManager.ClosedPanels collection and can be opened again).
Kind regards
Hi Andre,
Am I correct that you are using the same PRISM adapters as in the E3339 example?
Hi Alexander,
not exactly this one from the example, but a similar one.
But you are on the right way…
So, I'm sorry but I forget an important information: The view which I created is initial in a
floating state. This means that I don't add the DocumentPanel to the DockController of the
DockLayoutManger directly, like it is done in you example (DocumentGroupAdapter.cs).
Instead I add it to a FloatGroup and add this one to the float groups of the manager.
If I don't use the initial floating but dock it directly it will work…
Hi Andre,
Thank you for your clarification. It would be great if you could provide us with code of the adapter you are using.
Hello Andre,
I've reproduced the problematic behavior on our side and forwarded this ticket to our developers for further research. We will update this thread and will inform you as soon as we have any news.
All right, Andrey.
Thanks for the information.