Bug Report T320855
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ASPxFormLayout - The AlignItemCaptionsInAllGroups option does not work for layout items in the TabbedLayoutGroup container

created 9 years ago

I have a problem with aligning tab items among with other item in group2.

@Html.DevExpress().FormLayout(s => { s.Name = "settings1"; s.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); s.AlignItemCaptionsInAllGroups = true; s.Items.AddGroupItem(ng => { ng.Name = "group1"; ng.Caption = "Group 1"; ng.Items.Add(i => { i.Name = "item1"; i.CaptionSettings.Location = LayoutItemCaptionLocation.Top; i.RequiredMarkDisplayMode = FieldRequiredMarkMode.Hidden; i.Caption = "Item 1"; i.NestedExtensionType = FormLayoutNestedExtensionItemType.TrackBar; var tbSettings = (TrackBarSettings)i.NestedExtensionSettings; tbSettings.Width = Unit.Percentage(50); tbSettings.Properties.MaxValue = 5; tbSettings.Properties.MinValue = 0; tbSettings.Properties.ScalePosition = ScalePosition.RightOrBottom; tbSettings.Properties.ValueToolTipPosition = ValueToolTipPosition.RightOrBottom; tbSettings.Properties.LargeTickInterval = 5; tbSettings.Properties.ValueType = typeof(int); }); }); s.Items.AddGroupItem(g => { g.Name = "group2"; g.Caption = "Group 2"; g.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); g.AlignItemCaptions = true; g.Items.Add(i => { i.Name = "item2"; i.Caption = "Item 2"; i.NestedExtensionType = FormLayoutNestedExtensionItemType.ComboBox; var cbSettings = (ComboBoxSettings)i.NestedExtensionSettings; cbSettings.Properties.Items.Add("Option 1"); cbSettings.Properties.Items.Add("Option 2"); cbSettings.Properties.Items.Add("Option 3"); cbSettings.Properties.Items.Add("Option 4"); cbSettings.Properties.ClientSideEvents.SelectedIndexChanged = "OnSelectedIndexChanged"; }); g.Items.AddTabbedGroupItem(tg => { tg.Name = "tabGroup1"; tg.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); tg.ShowGroupDecoration = false; tg.Items.AddEmptyItem(); tg.Items.Add(i => { i.Name = "item3"; i.ShowCaption = DefaultBoolean.True; i.Caption = "Long Text"; i.NestedExtensionType = FormLayoutNestedExtensionItemType.ComboBox; var cbSettings = (ComboBoxSettings)i.NestedExtensionSettings; cbSettings.Properties.ValueType = typeof(int); cbSettings.Properties.ValueField = "Id"; cbSettings.Properties.TextField = "Country"; }); tg.Items.Add(i => { i.Name = "item4"; i.Caption = "Super Long Text"; i.NestedExtensionType = FormLayoutNestedExtensionItemType.ComboBox; i.ShowCaption = DefaultBoolean.True; var cbSettings = (ComboBoxSettings)i.NestedExtensionSettings; cbSettings.Properties.ValueType = typeof(int); cbSettings.Properties.ValueField = "Id"; cbSettings.Properties.TextField = "Name"; }); tg.Items.Add(i => { i.Name = "item5"; i.Caption = "Very Very Very Long Text"; i.NestedExtensionType = FormLayoutNestedExtensionItemType.ComboBox; i.ShowCaption = DefaultBoolean.True; var cbSettings = (ComboBoxSettings)i.NestedExtensionSettings; cbSettings.Properties.ValueType = typeof(int); cbSettings.Properties.ValueField = "Id"; cbSettings.Properties.TextField = "Title"; }); }); }); s.Items.Add(i => { i.Name = "submitButton"; i.ShowCaption = DefaultBoolean.False; i.HorizontalAlign = FormLayoutHorizontalAlign.Center; i.NestedExtensionType = FormLayoutNestedExtensionItemType.Button; var btnSettings = (ButtonSettings)i.NestedExtensionSettings; btnSettings.UseSubmitBehavior = true; btnSettings.Width = Unit.Pixel(100); btnSettings.Text = "Go"; }); }).GetHtml()

I thought that with AlignItemCaptionsInAllGroups property enabled it should fix by itself.

Comments (1)
Alessandro (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago


    Thank you for pointing out this behavior. I was able to reproduce it on our side. I will discuss it with the team and we will contact you once we have any results. We greatly appreciate your time and cooperation.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

    We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

    Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

    Additional information:

    We have rolled back the fix because it does not completely fix the issue.

      Show previous comments (6)
      Artem (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

        Hi Robert,

        I checked the original scenario using v15.2.10 and it operates fine on my side (see the attached video). The issue seems to be specific to your FormLayout settings. Would you please elaborate on your scenario and send us the following:
          - A screencast illustrating the issue on your side (for example, you can use the Jing Tool to capture it).
          - Your FormLayout settings, which will allow us to reproduce the issue from scratch, or a simple runnable project.
        If the issue is browser-specific:
           - Detailed information about the browser: make a screenshot of the "Help -> About …" dialog.
           - Browser/Document mode settings - press the F12 key to invoke the Dev Toolbar (for the IE browser only).

        NG NG
        Nikita Gromilov 9 years ago

          They are not aligned with others elements (e.x., First Name and Email)

          Artem (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

            Hi Nikita,

            It's not clear what settings cause the issue. The previously attached sample works as expected on my side (see the picture). Would you please follow up on this problem and send me FormLayout settings and a couple of screenshots with the actual/expected results to research the issue in greater detail? Alternatively, modify the attached sample to illustrate the problematic behavior in action.


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