Hi guys,
I found a bug I presume. We need to set SelectionDependencyType to RequireSingleObject on one ObjectType in TreeList but When I use ViewController to change this behavior something went wrong and NullReferenceException is raised.
I attached a sample where you can try this. This bug is related to web only.
Use case:
- Run Web application
- after run you can see DomainObject1%ListView
- click on navigation menu to DOmainbject2 - now you will see NullReferenceException raised
I think problem is that theListViewContextMenuManager is Disposed and than called but property editor is set to null thanks to disposed object.
As override we will set SelectionDependency for Delete action in whole application till now but Hope this will be fixed in next realese.
But when you found how to obtain this problem please give me a hint thank you much.
I have reproduced the issue on my side. I am forwarding your ticket to our developers for further research. We will let you know as soon as we find any solution.