Bug Report T320051
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There is no capability to obtain localized AppearanceName items

created 9 years ago


How do I get Chart Appearance Names as per culture set. I want to show these in combo boxes.
Right now, the function GetAppearanceNames() does not return culture specific names whereas GetPaletteNames() values are returned properly.

One more issue noticed is, Chart.AppearanceName returns the current appearance name as per culture, while Chart.PaletteName does not return culture specific name.
Please help.
Thanks is advance.


Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

    Hi Lochan,

    Thank you for your report. Having discussed this issue, we decided to modify the ChartControl API and include a special method to obtain an array of localized AppearanceName items. We will continue working on this issue and keep you informed of our progress.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 9 years ago

    We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

    Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

    Additional information:

    To obtain non-localized AppearanceNames, use the ChartControl.GetAppearanceNames method, and to obtain localized AppearanceNames, use ChartControl.GetLocalizedAppearanceNames.
    The ChartControl.GetPaletteNames method returns non-localized palette names, and ChartControl.GetLocalizedPaletteNames returns the list of localized names.
    The localized appearance name is returned by the ChartAppearance.DisplayName property, at the same time, ChartAppearance.Name returns non-localized name.
    The list of non-localized appearance names can be obtained from the AppearanceRepository object using the Names property and the list of localized appearance names - using the LocalizedNames property.
    In the same way, using PaletteRepository.PaletteNames and PaletteRepository.LocalizedPaletteNames, you can get non-localized and localized palette names.
    The Palettes class introduces the GetNames method to get non-localized palette names and the GetLocalizedPaletteNames method to get localized palette names.
    The PaletteListBase, IndicatorsPredefinedPaletteList, PredefinedPaletteList classes have the GetPaletteNames method allowing you to get non-localized palette names, and the
    GetLocalizedPaletteNames method allowing you to get localized palette names.
    Finally, the IndicatorsPalettes class, also contains the GetNames and GetLocalizedNames methods, that allows obtaining non-localized and localized palette names.

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