I have a setup with a RibbonControl and two GridControls. The ribbon contains a delete button whose command is binded using a complex binding path to the appropriate command in the view model of the focused GridControl. Both GridControls have a context menu containing a delete button. All three delete buttons are defined using BarButtomItemLinks which point to a single BarButtonItem defined in a BarManager.
When the first grid has focus and a right click is performed on an element in the second grid to perform a delete operation sometimes the command for the first grid is executed. This behavior occurs also for the ribbon button when first grid is focused, right click is performed in the second grid and then the ribbon button is pressed.
I monitored the focus changes with Snoop and it looks like the first grid gets the focus sometimes back when the context menu closes. I would assume that the second grid gets focus on the right click and keeps it when context menu closes. Is this a bug or behavior from the framework itself? Do you have an idea for a workaround?
I have attached a sample project to reproduce this behavior. The archive contains only a screen capture which demonstrates the behavior when using the ribbon button.
Hi Artur,
It appears the attachment does not contain any file. Please make sure you successfully attach the archive. We look forward to receiving it from you so we can research the issue on our side.
Hopefully it works this time.