How do I display a check box on the default parameters page? in the code that follows:-
C#var boolParam = new DashboardParameter("ShowDate", typeof(bool), true, "Show Date on Chart Captions", true, null);
var strParam = new DashboardParameter("ShowStr", typeof(string), "trueXX", "Show StrDate on Chart Captions", true, null);
var parFromDateObj = new DashboardParameter("FromDate", typeof(DateTime), DateTime.Now, "From Date", true, null);
var parToDateObj = new DashboardParameter("ToDate", typeof(DateTime), DateTime.Now, "To Date", true, null);
All but the 'ShowDate' parameter show correctly. I cannot seem to get a checkbox to appear. Is this possible?
I have managed to reproduce the described problem on my side. It will require some time to research it in greater detail. I have passed this issue to our developers for further research. We will update the thread once we have any results.