to drag and drop email from Outlook, my customers use the ddaddin software (works with html 5 - there is a 30 day trial version, so you can try it).
With the AJAXFileUpload control it worked without problem. Now I changed it with AspxUploadControl, but the drag and drop from Outlook doesn't work. Any idea? Is the drag and drop function different from AJAX to ASPX upload (html5 different)?
Best regards
see the T318721 post from DDAddin developer.
Hello William,
To determine the cause of the problem, we need to research it on our side. Please provide us with the markup of the problematic page and a video demonstrating what operations I should perform to reproduce the problem. You can use the Jing tool for this purpose. This information will allow us to investigate the problem.
Hello William,
I have reproduced this behavior and forwarded this issue to our developers for further investigation. We will update this thread as soon as any news is available.
this is another problem, but it is linked if think.
I have installed the new windows built and new express 15.2 upgrade. EDGE browser now support drag and drop, but it doesn't work with DevExpress AspX Upload Control
Best regards
Hello William,
Would you please clarify if you are using DDAddin with the EDGE browser on the provided video?
No, I'm NOT using the DDAddIN in this video. I Just drag and drop the file from my desktop.
Hello William,
I got it working now. The ASPxUploadControl does only accept "file" DataTransferItems in the DataTransferItemList. My DDAddin sends an additional item of type "string", that contains a table of mail subjects, receivers, dates etc:
Von Betreff Erhalten Größe
William R: DDAddIN Di 01.12 46 KB
DevExpress Support Center Auto-notification: not … Di 01.12 5 KB
DevExpress Client Services Your DevExpress Account Mo 30.11 15 KB
If only "file" items are sent, the upload control seems to work.
I created a new DDAddin version and would like to ask you to test it: http://www.wilutions.com/files/william/ddaddin64.msi.
Maybe some of the DDAddin users still rely on the "string" information. So I would appreciate if the problem could be fixed by DevExpress. D&D data can contain several information types. You just have to skip all the data you are not interested in.
Kind regards,
Hello Wolfgang,
Thank you for your clarification. Our developers are working on this problem. They will take the provided information into account. We will update this thread, when we get any results.
Hi Wolfgang,
I have tried with Google Chrome and IE11 and it works.
Thank you very much!!!
Saturday I'll try it with EDGE Browser too, but I think that DevExpress aspxupload has some problem with it, because I'm not be able to drag files neither from my folders, so I must wait a DevExpress news to try it with EDGE.
Kind regards
I have installed last version of DevExpress new ddaddin64.msi
With IE11 and chrome: everything works!
With Edge browser:
I used Windows 10 last build to make test.
Kind regards to all
Hello William,
Thank you for informing us about your progress.
Hi Jenny and William,
Now, DDAddin supports also Edge.
Hi Wolfgang ,
this is a very good news!
Thank you very much !!!
Kind regards
Hello William,
Would you please clarify whether or not the problem has been resolved?
Hi Jenny,
I think so.
Wolfgang has released a new version. Saturday I'll try it.
I'll keep you updated.
Hello William,
Thank you for your response. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Hello Jenny and William,
Please let me try to make something clear:
Kind regards,
Hi Wolfgang/Jenny,
I see. So i can't download the last version for EDGE. Could you send the last version with stripped 'string' data? if this is not a big work of course, otherwise I will wait for an DevExpress upgrade. It's, not a big problem, We can use chrome.
Hello William and Wolfgang,
Thank you for keeping us up to date. Our developers are still working on this problem.
Hi Jenny/Wolfgang,
Now it works very well!!!
I used the hotfix + last version of DDAddin
Thank you very much for support!
Happy new year!!!