I use the following code to allow disk caching:
Visual BasicmapProvider = New OpenStreetMapDataProvider
mapProvider.CacheOptions.DiskFolder = Path.Combine(AppSettings.sEXEPath, "MapCache")
mapProvider.CacheOptions.DiskExpireTime = New TimeSpan(30, 00, 00, 00)
mapProvider.CacheOptions.DiskLimit = 300
I provide our users the ability to change the map kind at runtime. However, changing the map kind does not change right away; it still uses the images from the cache after changing the kind.
Is the only proper way to get around this is to delete the disk cache and then change the kind afterwards?
Hi Christopher,
Thank you for your report. We have acknowledged this issue and will continue working on a suitable solution. As an immediate workaround, specify a different DiskFolder property value when switching the map kind at runtime.
Deleting the cache folder appears to work just as well for now. Thanks for looking into this.
Thank you for the update, Christopher. We will keep you informed of our progress.