For example, i have a form with a few tabs, and for one reason or another, i want to move one of the tabbed pages to a separate form. all the GUI comes over fine using copy and paste in Visual Studio. The problem is that there was a popup menu that was used. This popup menu has several layers of menus, and a lot of options. When i try to copy the popup menu over, it wont even allow me to copy it. This means that I have to reconstruct the WHOLE menu with all the layers and other bits, and this can take a lot of time. (and a major annoyance) - plus it is easy to miss things. Is there a way to do a copy and paste of the whole popup menu? as it is rather silly not being able to do it.
PopupMenu - Items are lost when copying a menu from one form onto another at design time
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.
Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.
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- v15.1.9Download Official Update
You'd probably need to copy over the BarManager first, since that's what actually holds the reference to your popup menu's BarButtonItems.
Originally, PopupMenu was not designed to support such a scenario. Since PopupMenu depends on BarManager, its items are cleared when you copy this menu onto another form. We understand that this feature would be useful. That is why I passed this behavior to our developers for investigation. They will research if it is possible to support this functionality in the current architecture. We will update this thread to notify you of our results.
Thanks for that. As it would be a thing that everyone would do at least once, and it is something that is useful.
Also on another side note, when you edit the Popup menus, another annoying thing is when the popup you are editing looses focus, it disappears. instead of staying open (ContextMenus stay open on standard winforms when you edit them). i know that there are some settings that change the appearances of the popups, but it should just redraw it and keep the popup open at the same time.