First of all, I'd like to support multiple requests to show the real row count in the data grid pager summary instead of "items".
This is one seems to be the primary "target":
Add a capability to display a real count of records in the ASPxGridView even when a grouping is applied
Back to the issue.
The default Russian translations of GridView Pager labels is not consistent.
Summary text (GridViewSettings.SettingsPager.Summary.Text) says
"Страница {0} из {1} (Всего элементов: {2})",
which means
"Page {0} of {1} (Total elements {2})".
But Page Size label (GridViewSettings.SettingsPager.PageSizeItemSettings.Text) says
"Записей на странице:",
which means
"Records per page:" .
And this causes another confusion, since pager counts visible elements, not data rows.
So, please, correct the translation as
"Элементов на странице:"
…or better start counting records/rows…
Thank you for informing us. I see the issue and need additional time to discuss it with our developers in order to provide you with an appropriate solution. We will update this report once any news regarding this subject is available.