I noticed some strange behaviour in the SpreadsheetNameBoxControl. The current behaviour is that when you enter a name it directly jumps to the cell where the current input matches a previously defined name. This happens as you type.
Now image I have a spreadsheet with a cell named "Test". Next I want to name another cell "Test2". So I select the desired cell and start to type the name into the SpreadsheetNameBoxControl. Immediately after I type "T-e-s-t" the current selection jumps to the existing cell with this name. So when I don't notice this and continue to type "2" (because I wanted my cell to be named "Test2") and hit enter, the new selected cell gets a second name, which is not what I wanted. The only way to name my other cell "Test2" is to paste this text from clipboard and hit enter.
MS Excel behaves differently: Here, the selection of a cell after typing in the name only occurs after hitting enter. I think the current behaviour in the SpreadsheetControl isn't optimal. If there's an option to change this behaviour I'd be happy if you could point me to it. I haven't found it on my on. But still I think the default behaviour should be like in Excel.
I have reproduced the behavior and passed this ticket to our developers for further research. Please bear with us.
We will notify you as soon as we make any progress.