I attached a small project to this issue to demonstrate the use of a converter I developed using your RichEditDocumentServer and illustrating the problem that I have. The converter (class RichTextToMetafileConverter) export a RichTextFormat document in Metafile. Prior to do the conversion, it calculate the size of the page based on RTF content using LayoutVisitor, so the exported image will be set to a 'best fit' dimension.
This code has been in production for a while and was working as expected with version prior to 15.1.4. We want to update to v 15.8 to be compatible with visual studio 2015, but we now encounter crash during the conversion. If a table is part of the RTF, the crash will occurs when setting the table indent (RtfToEmf.cs - line 61), otherwise the crash will occurs when exporting to image (RtfToEmf.cs - line 92).
To use the example, simply write text in the RichEditControl and press the "To EMF" button.
Can you confirm if this is an issue, or a walkaround to prevent the crash?
Thank you
I have managed to reproduce the aforementioned behavior. At the moment, I cannot provide you with any workaround.
I passed this ticket to our developers for further research. Please bear with us.
We will notify you as soon as we make any progress.
You can mark this ticket public if you remove the project file.
Thank you for your quick response and fixing the issue.