[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T313092: Keyboard Focus is broken when selecting panels]
Take a close look at KeyboardFocusHelper.cs. In GetElementToFocus(), on 1 line, there is "if (element is IInputElement)", and then right after the if, there is "if (element is FrameworkElement)". Well, the second if will never run because a FrameworkElement is a IInputElement. So what is the second if for? The same quirky 2 if statements can also be found in CanFocusResultCallback(). A UIElement is a IInputElement. So either the first if is redundant, or the second one.
Also, testing for Focusable is not enough, you should include IsEnabled. See the method FocusHelper.CanBeFocused(), which does it right. That way, focus will go to an element that can actually receive focus. Although if nothing is enabled, the first focusable should be chosen.
Thank you for your observation, Paul. I have passed this thread to our R&D team so they thoroughly analyze the KeyboardFocusHelper class implementation in view of your remarks.