[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T313092: Keyboard Focus is broken when selecting panels]
When you select panels in a docklayoutmanager, the keyboard focus does not go to the inner content of the panels.
This was working in version 15.1.7.
Since I have the source code, the reason is that you've switched the LayoutPanel to using a new property called ContentPresenter. In version 15.1.7, you were using the Control property. Unfortunately, all your keyboard focus code is still passing in the Control property value as the root element to search for a focusable element. Control property now returns null.
I tried to reproduce the issue on my side using version 15.1.8, but my attempt was not successful. Would you please review the attached screencast illustrating my attempts and let me know if I missed anything? If possible, modify the attached sample so that it replicates the issue. Thank you for your cooperation.
You aren't using the MVVM technique of creating panels. Create view models of your views, and use the IMVVMDockingProperties interface.
Similar sample to all the ones I've submitted in the past. Please use for testing :)
Notice when you select the Properties panel, the button does not auto-focus. In the previous versions, it would auto-focus. Also in the previous versions, the Explorer panel would be auto-selected initially. Now it is not. And it would be really nice if you also fixed this bug: If you have the button focused (orange border), and click on the Suite2 tab, then click back on the Suite1 tab, the button should still have keyboard focus.
Thank you for the cooperation, Paul. The provided sample project helped me replicate the focusing issues, so I have forward this thread to our developers for further research. They will examine it and provide a solution. Once a hotfix is available, we will update this thread.