A change in the javascript from 15.1.7 to 15.1.8 is causing a javascript error to be generated.
My javascript debugger is saying the value being returned by this.GetInternalButton() is null.
ASPxClientButton SetText method for 15.1.7 is:
JavaScriptfunction (text){
this.isTextEmpty = (text == null || text == "");
var textContainer = this.GetTextContainer();
textContainer.value = (text != null) ? text : "";
else {
textContainer.innerHTML = this.isTextEmpty ? " " : text;
if(this.clientVisible && ASPx.Browser.IE && ASPx.Browser.Version >= 9)
ASPx.SetElementDisplay(this.GetMainElement(), true);
ASPxClientButton SetText method for 15.1.8 is:
JavaScriptfunction (text){
this.isTextEmpty = (text == null || text == "");
var textContainer = this.GetTextContainer();
textContainer.value = (text != null) ? text : "";
else {
var value = this.isTextEmpty ? " " : text;
textContainer.innerHTML = value;
this.GetInternalButton().value = value;
if(this.clientVisible && ASPx.Browser.IE && ASPx.Browser.Version >= 9)
ASPx.SetElementDisplay(this.GetMainElement(), true);
The aspx for the button is:
ASPx <dx:ASPxButton ID="btContact" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="btContact" AutoPostBack="False" CausesValidation="False" EnableClientSideAPI="True" UseSubmitBehavior="False" AllowFocus="False" Text="Contact Details" CssClass="Button100" CssPostfix="None" EnableTheming="false">
<Paddings Padding="0px" />
<Border BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="0px" />
I am going to override the 15.1.8 javascript with 15.1.7 javascript as I need to be able to change the button text at the client side.
I was able to reproduce the issue on my side. We need some additional time to investigate the cause of this issue. We will update this thread once we have results to report.