I`'m Trying to create A ZUGFeRD validated PDF from an Invoice Report, Using the Example
How to export a report to ZUGFeRD
And Adding the Description to the Attachment.
But when im Trying To validate the File on din-zugferd-validation.org the Resullt is
(Zeilennummer) - Fehler / Hinweise
(0000) Es konnte kein XML aus dem ZUGFeRD PDF extrahiert werden.
I think there is a Problem within for the Text-Encoding for the Attachment.
Entry after Export:
/F (þÿ Z U G F e R D - i n v o i c e . x m l)
/UF (þÿ Z U G F e R D - i n v o i c e . x m l)
/Desc (þÿ Z U G F e R D R e c h n u n g)
When changing the entry manually to:
/F (ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml)
/UF (ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml)
/Desc (ZUGFeRD Rechnung)
Everything works just fine.
Hello Pedro,
It seems that the PDF file produced from the sample project attached to the answer of the Validation of the PDF/A-3 ZUGFeRD document fails thread is correctly validated using the www.zugferd-checker.de service (I have attached the resulting report). However, at the moment I'm not able to validate the same file using the https://www.din-zugferd-validation.org service since it requires waiting for two days to activate my newly registered account.
Would you please check if the validation is passed correctly if you only change the following string:
/F (þÿ Z U G F e R D - i n v o i c e . x m l)
/F (ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml)
Please let me know of your results.
When i only change this Entry,
the www.din-zugferd-validation.org service validates correctly.
But the zugferd-checker won't work, because of the manual changes.
Thanks for the clarification, Pedro.
I've forwarded this thread to our R&D team for further research. Please keep an eye on this thread for further updates.