The FONTSIZE_COMMAND of the ASPxHtmlEditor is not working with Internet Explorer 11. With Firefox it is still working.
I'm using the Client-Side-Command:
JavaScripts.ExecuteCommand(ASPxClientCommandConsts.FONTSIZE_COMMAND, '30px', true);
I attached an Example. When you press the "Fullscreen"-Button the Font-Size of the Editor should be changed. This is not working with Internet Explorer 11. If you try it with Firefox it is still working.
I've created a sample project based on your code but haven't managed to reproduce this problem in IE11. Please see the attached video and project. It seems that other factors affect this issue. Please send us your runnable project for further examination and clarify if you're using the native IE or IE in the Compatibility mode.
[DevExpress Support team: this comment was created from a creator's answer]
Thanks for the video and especially for the browser-version.
I'm using Internet Explorer version 11.0.9600.18098 - updated by the patch-day this week/month. System-Configuration: Windows 8.1 x64, Visual Studio 2013.
The issue only occurs with v11.0.9600.18098. (I also tested it with a lower version -> Fontsize-Command works).
I attached a new runable project and a screenshot of my IE-Version.
Please test it with v11.0.9600.18098.
Hi Dominik,
We tested your sample in the mentioned version v11.0.9600.18098, but didn't reproduce the issue (see the video). Please check if there are any errors in the browser's Console (F12) on your side. In addition, check to see what document mode is used for the page. If everything is correct, it should display "Edge", as shown in the image below:

Hi Anthony,
hmm… that's very tricky, there are no errors in the browser's Console and the document mode is also set to "Edge".
I tested it again on a different client-computer with a lower browser version --> it is working. After updating the client-computer to IE 11.0.9600.18098, is not working any more.
Maybe it has to do with the culture-settings. I'm using <globalization culture="de" uiCulture="de-AT" />
Or maybe it is dependig on the windows-language-settings… there I'm also using "German (Austria").
I added the whole projects including the "bin" folder with the dll files. So please don't load from GAC.
Dominik, we changed all settings according to your description, but couldn't reproduce the issue (video). It looks something environment-related is causing this issue. Is it possible for you to provide us with a snapshot of a virtual machine where this issue is reproducible?
Thats very strange. I tried to set up a Windows 8.1 with VirtualBox, but i was not able to reproduce it on this setup. It also tried to delete IE on my local machine, but that doesn't solve the problem.
But maybe there is an another option, could you please try it with Microsoft EDGE - Browser (installed alle available patches for windows 10, including the big november update).
I tested it with EDGE 25.10586.0.0 - EDGEHTML 13.10586. There is the issue also occuring.
I've reproduced this issue in the Edge browser and forwarded it to our developers for further investigation. We will update this report once any news regarding this subject is available.
That's are great news. I think if it is fixed for the EDGE it will also solve the problem for IE.
I also found out, that there are issues on iPhone - Safari. If you switch to fullscreen-mode the font size is getting bigger, but if you return to normal mode the fontsize won't change to a smaller one. (iOS 9.1)