Hello! :)
I try export my pivotGrid to Excel,Pdf and Image and i cant export my settings on pivot.
How can i export:
- Row height
Private Sub Pivot1_CustomRowHeight(sender As Object, e As PivotCustomRowHeightEventArgs) Handles Pivot1.CustomRowHeight
e.RowHeight = 105
End Sub
I add my preview screen
Hello Tomasz,
I have managed to reproduce this issue on my side and passed it to our developers for further research.
For now as a workaround I suggest you set your row field's RowValueLineCount to 6 or 7.
I created a sample project
Thx for help.
I use this propertis for wrong pivotField.
Hi Tomasz,
Thank you for the update. We will continue working on this issue and will let you know once we have any results. Please bear with us.
Hi Alex,
Thank you for new version devExpress.
Tommorow i update my devexpress and i will test it.
After test i will send feedback to you :)
Have a nice day ! :)
Hi Tomasz,
The fix will be included in the next maintenance update (v15.1.8). You are welcome to contact us if you notice any related issue.