I created a simple Stacked Area Chart with 2 Series…
on the 20.12.2015 I have a positive and a negative value… which causes the area of the second series (red) not to be correctly displayed.
the other point is, that the data point for the second series (red) on that date, seams not to be on the sum position (711'122.70) instead at 975'905.00
is this behavior intended?
Hi Gabriel,
This behavior looks incorrect. I have passed this ticket to our R&D Team for further research. We will update this thread once we have any news.
According to our documentation (a note in the Stacked Area Chart topic), negative values should be treated as zeros in this case: if a series contains data points with both positive and negative values, it is treated as a series with positive values, while all its negative values are treated as zeros.
thanks John