please review the sample application I have attached. It contains a dummy form with rich text control that contains RTF with a comment.
In the application I set current culture (in UI thread) to Spanish, so i expect all texts to be localized in Spanish.
Unfortunately, header label of the comment is not properly localized when app is targeting .NET framework less than 4.6.
Please also see attached screenshots I made:
The app compiled with target framework = .NET 4.6. (started on OS running English). Please note 'Commentario' (Spanish, OK)
The app compiled with target framework = .NET 4.5. (started on OS running English). Please note 'Comment' (English, NOT OK)
Same results can be seen when targeting e.g. .NET 4.0
The problem can be fixed by setting CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture accordingly (in my case to Spanish) but this property is not available in .NET which I am targeting.
We have successfully reproduced the behavior you described and passed this ticket to our developers for further research.
Please bear with us. We will notify you as soon as we make any progress.