Ticket T303205
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Workflow - Add an option to repeat the workflow multiple times while the target object fits criteria

created 9 years ago

Good afternoon,

I've searched the database for information about the above subject ad I've found T237342 and the manually-starting-workflows article: ok.

I get that you can do whatever you want with this, but still, I do not understand why an instance cannot be run twice, since you define a WF under 'object fits criteria' mode .

Basically, If I'd change a value of my object, I'd change a status to 'Needs to be calculated again' , the WF would be started, and eventually the WF would change the status of my object to 'It is calculated'…

Do I understand badly the way Wf works?

Thank you.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago

We have implemented the functionality described in this ticket. It will be included in our next update(s).

Please check back and leave a comment to this response to let us know whether or not this solution addresses your concerns.

    created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

    Hello Maxime,

    In XAF, a certain workflow can process a target object only once. This behavior is caused by the necessity to avoid infinite execution of the workflow.

    However, we have implemented a capability to execute a workflow for certain objects several times in the next version (v15.1.8). We have added a bool property (AllowMultipleRuns) to the Workflow Definition objects. This property allows you to start a new workflow instance even if there is a complete instance of the same workflow for the same target object and if the target object still fits the specified criteria. Note that you need to properly define your Workflow Definition Criteria so a new workflow instance will be started only when it is required by your business process. Usually this option is useful for the following requirements:
    - Your workflow instance modifies the target object so it doesn't fit the target criteria after the workflow instance execution is completed.
    - An end-user or employee (or another workflow instance) modifies the target object so it fits the target criteria and a new workflow instance should be started in accordance with your business process.
    - You don't want to add a delay/cycle to your workflow definition or duplicate target object criteria.

      Show previous comments (5)
      MM MM
      Maxime MERIAUX 9 years ago

        No problem Nate Laff, I'll send you my bank account number :)
        I assure you it is pure random.

        W W
        Willem de Vries 7 years ago

          Only a few days ago, i retried XAF WF. A was very happy to discover this feature and have put a new WF server into production in no time (with TopShelf).

          SM SM
          Santiago Moscoso 7 years ago

            @Willem yeah TopShelf is very useful, we are using it for our workflow server and for middle-tier application server.

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