The text I refer to reads in English "Enter text to search…". When I change the language of our application to portuguese the text is translated automatically, but it does not happen in spanish. Is this a bug on your end or mine? I attached 3 pics for you to see what I mean.
ASPxGridView - It is impossible to localize the Search Panel's null text using satellite assemblies
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.
Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.
We have corrected the affected localizable keys. You can use the attached files and replace the corresponding \Bin\es\DevExpress.Web.v15.1.resources.dll and \Bin\pt-BR\DevExpress.Web.v15.1.resources.dll files in your application without waiting, downloading and installing a hotfix/the next minor build.
- v15.2.4Download Official Update
- v15.1.8Download Official Update
I see that this issue is the same as described in the ASPxGridView - "Select all rows on all pages" tooltip is not localized when a culture set to German thread. So, I recommend you use our Localization Service to translate the required elements. Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.
UPDATED: Thank you for the report. I was able to reproduce the issue. I've informed our developers about it and they will research the issue. We will update this thread once we have results. As a workaround you can now use the approach shown in the Localizing ASP.NET Controls via Localizer Objects topic.
Thank you for the report. I was able to reproduce the issue. I've informed our developers about it and they will research the issue. We will update this thread once we have results. As a workaround you can now use the approach shown in the Localizing ASP.NET Controls via Localizer Objects topic.
Hello Konstantinos,
Would you please provide us with the suggested ES translation for the missing ("Enter text to search") and maybe other keys? We will update our global resource pack accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
P.S. The existing translated resource files were kindly sent to us by our clients. We invite you to participate in making this collection bigger and more complete. Currently, our ES translation is not yet complete. You can explore the existing translate strings, complete and download the required translation via our Localization Service. Please refer to the Localization Service help topic to learn more on how to proceed.