I am having an issue with an ASPxGridView that is located inside an ASPxRoundPanel that has LoadContentViaCallback set to true and collapsed set to true.
After initial Page Load, I expand the ASPxRoundPanel to show the grid, but it always says "No data to display" when there is data. The data only appears after I try to sort a column for example (perform a callback I assume). I even tried to bind the grid on page load, but this changes nothing. Perhaps this is a desired affect, but I'm not sure.
Here is my html markup of the panel and gridview:
ASPx<dx:ASPxRoundPanel ID="panelInitialStageOccurence" ClientInstanceName="panelInitialStageOccurence" runat="server" Width="99%" LoadContentViaCallback="true"
AllowCollapsingByHeaderClick="true" ShowCollapseButton="true" HeaderText="Test" Collapsed="true">
<dx:ASPxGridView ID="gridInitialStageOccurrence" ClientInstanceName="gridInitialStageOccurrence" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataSourceID="dataInitialStageOccurrence" Width="100%" KeyFieldName="THISID" EnableCallbackCompression="False" EnableCallBacks="false" >
<Paddings Padding="0px" />
<Border BorderWidth="0px" />
<BorderBottom BorderWidth="1px" />
<dx:GridViewDataDateColumn VisibleIndex="1" FieldName="STARTDATE" Caption="Start Date" Settings-GroupInterval="Value" >
<PropertiesDateEdit DisplayFormatString="yyyy-MM-dd"></PropertiesDateEdit>
<Settings GroupInterval="Value" />
<dx:GridViewDataDateColumn VisibleIndex="2" FieldName="ENDDATE" Caption="End Date" Settings-GroupInterval="Value" >
<PropertiesDateEdit DisplayFormatString="yyyy-MM-dd"></PropertiesDateEdit>
<Settings GroupInterval="Value" />
<SettingsPager Mode="ShowPager" PageSize="10" />
Any insight you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Hello Eric,
I've managed to reproduce the issue and forwarded this ticket to our developers for further research. We will contact you as soon as we have any results.
As a workaround, now you can turn off the ViewState of ASPxGridView by setting EnableViewState to "false".