I am facing a problem for handling two mappolygon's zindex property.
I have two polygons where one of them is totally inside the other one. Now I want that if i hover over inner polygon then it raise inner polygon mousenterevent else outer polygon mouseenter event. But it is always invoking outer mouseenter event.
I think if we had zindex property then we definitely will be able to do this. I tried solution meant for z-index in below link i.e. reordering sequence of polygons in vetorLayer.Items. But no luck
Hello Christian,
Thank you for your report. We are going to investigate this behavior on our side to provide a chance to select and hover over a small polygon in this scenario. As for the order in the polygon, it is the same as the order in the source collection. So, you can add items in the required order. We are going to update this thread as soon as we have any news. We appreciate your patience.