I'm from Vietnam. I'm using Vietnamese Keyboard software called Unikey to type Vietnamese Language. I'm using your control ASPxTokenBox . Your Control operate properly when I type english language but when I type vietnamese language, it seems to be wrong. Control's editor auto remove character when I typing. Investigate more, I reliaze some points:
1. I'm still type Vietnamese properly with ASPxTextbox, ASPxGridLookup
2. I'm still type Vietnamese properly with ASPxTokenBox with empty Items or empty Datasource
3. After creating 3 items for ASPxTokenBox ("hello 1","hello 2", "hello 3") in code and run project. I cannot input the text: Lô in ASPxTokenBox (To input Lô in Vietnamese, I've to type L o o) because your control auto delete L character. But, I still can input the text: Cô, Tô, Bô… properly.
4. If I create 3 items for ASPxTokenBox ("hecco 1","hecco 2", "hecco 3") in code and run project, I cannot input the text: Cô in ASPxTokenBox (To input Cô in Vietnamese, I've to type c o o) because your control auto delete C character. But, I still can input the text: Lô, Tô, Bô… properly.
5. In the case 3, if I type slowly L o o, everything is ok. I can input Lô in ASPxTokenBox. If I type L o very fast and slowly after that, I type o again (L o o), everything is ok. I can input Lô too. But if I type L and slowly after that, I type very fast o o (L o o), the control auto delete the L character
6. The same problem if I use ASPxCombobox
ASPxTokenBox - Some characters are removed when typing using Unikey software
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.
Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.
- v15.2.4Download Official Update
- v15.1.8Download Official Update
- v14.2.11Download Official Update
I think that because Unikey don't know that aspxtextboxaspxtextbox changes content of input (of course, unikey cannot know this thing and it's not been designed to know), so unikey will act as it will do as usual. It will remove o o ( 2 o) and replace by ô. Of course, there will be conficts between Aspxtextbox and Unikey. I've already try your 15.1 hotfix. After install hotfix, i've tried as i said on my last comment. I've seen the bug even got worse., no matter what I set AllowCustomTokens = true or false
We've tried to reproduce the issue according to the provided description, but our attempt was not successful. Note that some specifics of this third-party software and results at each step are not obvious and require detailed clarification. So, in order to provide you with a precise solution that will fix the issue, I am asking you to provide the following extra information:
- A sample project with 2 ASPxTokenBox. One project with AllowCustomTokens = true, and the other with the false property value.
- A screencast of your actions and a description to this screencast.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
I was able to reproduce almost all of the issues you described on my side except the one regarding ASPxComboBox - note that the ASPxComboBox will delete all symbols if there are no items containing these symbols.
I highly doubt that this is the DevExpress controls' behavior and the symbols disappear due to the incorrect behavior of the Unikey software.
We will investigate this behavior and inform you whether this behavior relates to DevExpress controls.
I passed this ticket to our developers for further research.
Thanks for your answer. Firstly, I think the problem is belong to Unikey but I've tried to switch to other Vietnamese keyboards but the result is no changed. I've tried with 3 most popular Vietnamese keyboard: Unikey, Vietkey and GoTiengViet. That's why I think the Vietnamese keyboard is ok and I try controls other than ASPxTokenBox such as ASPxComboBox, ASPxGridLookup and ASPxTextBox. TextBox and GridLookup is ok but the problem happen the same with ComboBox. It's depend on the Datasource of control and the speed you typ, like I said before. When I type C O O ( the space only means the speed I type between characters), I get ô. The C character auto disappeardisappear. The same problem with combobox and tokenbox
I think Unikey or other keyboards use the same scheme when typing vietnamese, for example o o for ô, a a for â… And no less than 98% people use one of 3 above keyboards when they need to type Vietnamese. For many years, they use those sofware to type Vietnamese in many application like Microsoft word or many elses. I cannot change the scheme of Unikey or I cannot ask customer to change their keyboard or change the habbit when they typing Vietnamese. So is there any way to change the way ComboxBox and TokenBox works. Is there any option to turn off auto delete functionality. I've tried to turn on option that allow add new custom value in Combobox and TokenBox but this way does not works
Thank you for the clarification. We are working on this issue and will update this ticket as soon as we get results.
Please bear with us.
Dear Pavlo!
I'Ve Tried many ways to solve this problem but without successsful. I tried another control which has the same functionality as yours: Telerik asp combobox and autocomplete boxbox. These controls operate properly with Unikey and Vietnamese language. So I think the reason is not come from Unikey
Thank you for the clarification. We've confirmed that this is incorrect behavior of our controls. We are working on this issue and will notify you as soon as we get results.
As a workaround, you can turn off the incremental filtering by setting the ASPxTokenBox.IncrementalFilteringMode property to "None".
I've tried your hotfix. Firstly, I tried to type c o o, l o o as I said above. Your control works properly in all speeds I type. I tried different ways of typing (c o o, c o o…), the controls work perfectly. But at the time I am going to finish this test, I found out your controls work wrong again when I type c o o. When I type slowly c o o, I got ô, the c character disappear. I repeat that typing and I realize that when I type c o, your control find out there are not co object in the database and it remove the o character. At that time, the screen display c character only. After that, I type o again, the c character disappear and the screen display ô character only. At this stage, I think your control does not remove c character. c character was removed by my Unikey because Unikey think the character o is still on the screeen, so Unikey replace o by ô. That's why I got ô after I type c o o.
After that fail, I've tried many other words and I realize the error is even worse than before updating hotfix. For example my database has some words like: đồng, nhôm… Your control only works properly if I type very fast. If I type little bit slower, I got mess of character. I think auto-remove-character-when-not-found way is not compatible with the Unikey or other Vietnamese keyboards. Is there any way to turn off this functionality?
PS: You can reproduce this error by using Unikey or other Vietnamese keyboards (Vietkey, GoTiengViet…). To get ô, you type o o. To get ồ, you type o o f. To type đ, you type d d. So to type đồng you have 2 ways: d d o o n g f, or, d d o o f n g.
Thank you for your feedback. There was certainly a bug in our controls that consisted in that symbols were deleted in some input elements. Now we've fixed this issue and the behavior of ASPxTokenBox with the DropDown mode enabled and the AllowCustomTokens property set to false is correct. In this mode, Unikey doesn't know that ASPxTokenBox changes contents of an input. Thus, the logic that deletes the characters gets broken, and you get the behavior you had previously.
You can use the following workarounds in order to prevent ASPxTokenBox and ASPxComboBox from behaving incorrectly:
2. Increase IncrementalFilteringDelay up to 3 seconds, so that your users can enter required values in time.