When storing Model differences in the database and the logoff action is used the shared model is over written with the current users Model differences.
Please see the attached sample project to test.
Steps to reproduce are as follows.
Run Sample project.
Check [ModelDifferenceAspect] Table to see Shared model Optimistic Lock is at 1 and Xml contains Shared Application model (In sample project the version number is set to end with InSharedModel)
Change column order on the contact list view - this is to trigger saving the model.
Click Logoff - During logoff the ModelDifferenceDbStore gets the current UserId from SecuritySystem.CurrentUserId this is null causing the FindModelDifference Method to incorrectly return the shared model difference instead of the user model difference.
Recheck the [ModelDifferenceAspect] Table xml will now contain the users model difference and optimistic lock increased to 3.
Hello Matt,
Thank you for the sample project and steps. I have managed to reproduce this issue on our side. We will research it and let you know our results.
Thanks Alexey. Any ETA on a fix?